Priority "Hotspots" in My Life Print this page

Hotspot #1:  _______________________________________________
Things I can Try:  _______________________________________________

Hotspot #2:  _______________________________________________
Things I can Try:  _______________________________________________

Hotspot #3:  ________________________________________________
Things I can Try:  ________________________________________________

If you find that you have high scores in more than three problem areas, try to identify the "top three" and focus your efforts on these areas first. If you try to tackle them all at once, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the volume and scope of the problem areas. If you can isolate three key areas and focus on how to go about resolving them, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and mastery that will help you to identify the next group of "hot spots," and so on until you have been able to address all of the issues that are of concern to you.

If you can't do these exercises or find that you can't implement them in your life, then you need some help to focus your efforts. Think about seeing a therapist or talking to someone who you believe has resolved the issue(s) in her/his own life. Try to grasp what it is that holds you back from making the necessary changes to stabilize your life.

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Survivor to Thriver, Page 30
© 2007 THE MORRIS CENTER, Revised 11/06